Building a website that converts
It may appear that creating a conversion-focused website is a no-brainer. Of course, you want a website that converts visitors into customers. Why would you do it any other way?
While most people have good intentions when it comes to increasing website conversions and conversion rates, the reality is that it's typically done half-heartedly. While all efforts would have been made to build the new website, not everyone is an optimisation expert. They just don’t know how to improve your website’s conversion rate. We focus so much on the site's appearance and feel that conversion optimization is completely forgotten in due course, resulting in a haphazard approach to web design.
Some common conversion types
Conversions come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Organizations will frequently distinguish between primary, secondary, and even tertiary conversions. Identifying and prioritising your conversions will allow you to better optimise for the ones that will help you achieve your business objectives.
A website conversion for a B2B lead generation website could be a contract submission form or a demo request form. You can also use a live chat feature or an interactive project estimate tool to measure exchanges.
Transactions and sales are the most important conversions for an eCommerce website. You'll want to track not only how your conversion rate affects your income and bottom line, but also how it influences your transactions. Understanding your website's potential to convert will need selecting the appropriate conversions while also determining how conversion-friendly your website is.
A conversion-focused website
A conversion-focused website is built with conversions in mind. While it may appear straightforward, optimising a website needs knowledge, data, and patience. A smart website features consistent calls to action (CTAs) throughout the site and keeps things simple. A great website anticipates the user's demands and ideal page pathways to provide an experience that aids them in finding the quickest path to conversion. When creating static pages and landing pages, keeping the user's wants in mind will help you enhance engagement and, eventually, conversions for your product or service.
Optimising your website for conversions
When it comes to increasing your website conversion rate, there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution. Following the best practices, relying on established knowledge, and depending on concrete analysis as evidence, is a terrific method to improve website conversions. When reviewing your website, keep the following in mind:
Page layouts must adhere to UX best practises. Check if it is logically tailored to the user's path. Look for any potential stumbling obstacles or areas for improvement.
Page pathways must be short. To accomplish this, ask the following questions:
What is the quickest approach to get users from their first point of contact to conversion? How can you strike the right balance between providing information and pushing for a sale?
A/B testing is a method of comparing two options. With this, you should be able to check if your consumers' expectations match yours. Analyse and see if a new page design will appeal to your users and result in increased conversions.
Call-To-Actions or (CTAs) must be prominently displayed and be simple for a user to convert when it's time. Provide your visitors with a variety of conversion options.
Information must always be centred on the user. Quickly respond to your users' questions and provide them with a way forward, whether it's precise information about your products or services or specific resources published in the form of FAQs – these elements are key to an efficient website.